
Gamevil launches Net Mission for Path of a Warrior

Aims to give lower-level players a kick up the bum

Gamevil launches Net Mission for Path of a Warrior
Gamevil USA has announced a new initiative for its Path of a Warrior RPG called Net Mission, which is a pretty innovative approach to keeping players interested in the game.

It's a two-month campaign that will get players to complete eight 'missions' outside the game, to get rewards within it.

To explain that further, the missions can be simple – such as posting your character on the game's web forums – through to more complex achievements like increasing your character's stats to a certain level.

Every mission completed will earn you gold and special items within the game. Gamevil says the main aim is to "encourage and motivate" lower-level players to get more involved in the game, although they hope hardcore players will also be interested in the rewards, too.

"Net Missions are something very common on MMOPRG PC games, but a new experiment for mobile games. The mobile device is a connected device in nature and there is no reason why this shouldn't exist on mobile," says president Kyu Lee.

"In the future, the concept of mobile games will change more and more as a service, providing continuous events and patches to the customer, rather than being a simple product that you forget about after you launch the game. People will continuously keep coming back to the game due to new features like Net Missions provided through the system."

Meanwhile, Gamevil says it now has more than 10,000 players registered for the multiplayer network elements of Path of a Warrior, and more than 1,000 network sessions being played every day in the US.
Contributing Editor

Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)