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Reach out to the world with MoGi's Localisation Initiative for indie games

The MoGi Group explains the story behind the Localisation Indie Initiative and why it can help you
Reach out to the world with MoGi's Localisation Initiative for indie games

Attention indie developers! Let’s take your game global!

That’s right. Millions of thumbs, all over the world, all twiddling their way through YOUR game.

At MoGi Group, we’ve been around the localisation block a number of times, and nothing gives us a greater thrill than helping take the amazing games you’ve created and spreading them far and wide.

This is exactly why we recently launched an exclusive localisation initiative for indie developers. It’s a scheme to give small companies bringing their first or second titles to the market a chance to make the most of our localisation expertise without breaking the budget.

Localisation Indie Initiative – The story behind it

So, why did we do it? Here’s Orad Elkayam, MoGi CEO, with a bit of background information:

“For some time, discussions at MoGi have focused on how we can do something to help give back to the industry we love so much – now we have the answer! A passionate love for gaming informs and influences everything we do. This is our own small, personal way of saying thanks for the hours and hours and hours of entertainment, and let’s keep these awesome, innovative games coming!

“Too often, we have seen some fantastic concepts for games hamstrung by budgetary constraints which lead to compromises on localisation quality, if it is done at all. We began as a small company ourselves, so understand all-too-well the financial pressures small development companies face and it’s fantastic – and a real privilege – to now be in a position to lend a helping hand.”

From a consumer point of view, there simply has never been a better time to be a gamer. In terms of both variety and quality, the sheer number of games, and the platforms to play them on, available is nothing short of staggering.

When we go to events like the TIGA or Develop Awards, the thing that really stands out is the breadth and depth of quality games out there for gamers to sink their teeth into. The days of a few select companies saturating the market are gone. We are seeing an incredible rise in the number of studios developing innovative, ingenious games across all platforms.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in mobile games. You don’t need us to tell you mobile games are big, lucrative business, or that, increasingly, the same standards by which console and PC games are judged are being applied to smaller screens.

The pick-up-and-playability of mobile games belies the complexity of their creation. We are here to make giving your game the linguistic tools to succeed in multiple markets one less headache to worry about.

Localisation Indie Initiative – The story so far

Since launching this initiative, the scheme has proven to be everything we hoped for – and more. From thrilling first person shooters and ear-rattling MOBA’s to word-based challenges and sports management simulations, as well as recruitment tools and supporting websites, we have had the honour of working on many brilliant, innovative games.

“It’s inspiring to see the number of fantastically creative minds making waves in this industry and long may it continue!” says Orad.

“The number of partnerships we’ve developed through this scheme is a great indicator of just how strong this industry is at grass roots level. It’s been a tremendous pleasure to be able to give back to an industry that has done so much for us – both professionally and personally.”

Of course, it’s also always a pleasure to receive positive feedback on the services we provide. Here’s a few things just some of the amazing companies we’ve worked with have had to say about the initiative so far:

Company: Mega Dwarf
Game: God of Word
What they said: “You’ve done a wonderful job with the translations. It feels great to have our game fully playable in so many languages, we’re very happy. It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with MoGi, and we can’t wait to have the opportunity to work together more in the future!”

Company: Owiwi
Game: Owiwi Recruitment Tool
What they said: “MoGi is for sure one of the best companies we've worked with so far. We love working with partners like you and we look forward to continuing our work together!! Keep rocking!”

Company: Sphere Game Studios
Game: Designer City
What they said: “Immensely grateful to MoGi for translating our game into nine different languages! Great job guys! Pleasure to work with you!”

Localisation Indie Initiative – What the future holds

After such a positive start, we anticipate this scheme to go from strength to strength.

We have already expanded the package we offer to include a promotional article detailing the game and our work on it to be published on our blog pages and promoted through our social media channels and are constantly looking for ways to adapt, innovate and tweak our processes and services to maximise the benefits to our partners. As Orad says:

“We believe in genuine collaboration. We enjoy the success of our partners as if it were our own and take great delight in seeing these fantastic games being enjoyed by happy gamers from all corners of the globe. When a game we’ve worked on receives deserved plaudits from critics and players… there’s not much that feels better.”

Are you an indie developer? We would love for your title to join the canon of games benefitting from this initiative! For more information, contact or read more about MoGi here.