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9 growth hacks, Osmo gets $12 million, Apple's transition away from innovation, and Unity's not for sale

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions
9 growth hacks, Osmo gets $12 million, Apple's transition away from innovation, and Unity's not for sale

Sometimes, there are weeks when all news is created equal. This was not one of those weeks.

No, this week clearly belonged to Apple - as does any week when the Cupertino giant decides it wants to launch a new product - with the firm lifting the lid on the iPad Air 2 and the iPad mini 3.

Even though you can probably only think about getting your hands on one of those slick new iPads right now, you should probably come back to reality for long enough to read our Week That Was, because there's still a heap of non-Apple news to digest.

Indeed, Japanese developer GungHo revealed that from 20 October to 2 November its mobile hit Puzzle & Dragons will feature several crossovers with Rovio's Angry Birds franchise.

Staying in the East, the LINE messaging app made its global debut on iPad, while Final Fantasy creator Sakaguchi's first free-to-play title, Terra Battle, hit 500,000 downloads.

As always, there's more when that came from, so why not end your week with a healthy dose of Week that Was?

Industry Voices

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Tools & Platforms

  • CRM platform Helpshift has announced the introduction of a free product tier designed to help indie game developers benefit from its platform. 
  • The LINE messaging app for iPad launched worldwide.
  • Amazon revealed it will attempt to attract more consumers to both its Fire phone and Fire tablets with the launch of three new games, all developed in-house at Amazon Game Studios.
  • Fresh reports suggested that Google plans to introduce app trials to its Google Play store in order to allow users to try before they buy.
  • The mayor of Vilnius - Arturas Zuokas – announced the construction of Vilnius Tech Park, a tech hub for startups and other businesses involved in the ICT industry within Lithuania.
  •  Apple added the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 to its ever expanding iPad lineup.

Funding, acquisitions, personnel and shuttering
