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FTL dev not fond of iOS, Glu acquires Diner Dash pub PlayFirst, and Rovio's profits are put on pause

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions
FTL dev not fond of iOS, Glu acquires Diner Dash pub PlayFirst, and Rovio's profits are put on pause

It's really amazing how quickly spring bleeds into summer, especially in the gaming industry.

In rapid-fire succession, you've got PAX East and GDC at the end of March, then those in the US trip over their taxes in April, while the F2P summit in London draws crowds at the end of the month.

In May, you’ve got GMIC in China, Digital Dragons in Poland, Intergame in Estonia, and the Nordic Game Confernce in Malmö.

Before you know it, it'll be time for E3 in LA, Pocket Gamer Connects in Finland, and then Gamescom... where does the year go?

We don't have an answer for that, but we do have our Week That Was - a look back at the highlights and big stories from Pocket Gamer Biz over the past seven days. So let's put the rhetorical ruminations aside and dive into it.

PG Connects

Tools and Platforms


Industry Voices

Funding, acquisitions, personnel, and shutterings
