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A new age for Zynga, Microsoft formally acquires Nokia, and Kabam bullish about IPO

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions
A new age for Zynga, Microsoft formally acquires Nokia, and Kabam bullish about IPO

Welcome to's weekly rundown of the past 168 hours in the gaming industry.

A lot can happen in a given week, and it's natural for some stories to slip past the most eagle-eyed among us. Luckily for you, we're here - as ever - to present the stories that we feel made the biggest impact over the past seven days.

If you're looking for a quick snapshot of the major trends and news in the mobile gaming space, you've come to the right column. Now grab a hot cup of your caffeinated beverage of choice, sit back, and let us guide you through the week that was.

PG Connects

Tools and Platforms


Industry voices

F2P Summit

User acquisition, retention, and discovery

Funding, acquisitions, personnel, and shutterings
