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Total iOS device install base now over 160 million strong

And all attached to App Store
Total iOS device install base now over 160 million strong

With around 15 million iPads sold in 2010, plus 16.2 million iPhones sold in the three months between October and December 2010, it's clear that the Apple bubble has some way to go before it collides with the growing Android threat.

For game developers however, the very big figure to take into account is that Apple has now sold over 160 million iOS devices in total.

Or as Apple's COO Tim Cook puts the situation, "This is huge."

A nation of millions

Of course, a certain percent of these 160 million devices will no longer be active i.e. the original iPhone 2G and 3G, and equivalent iPod touches, are no longer supported in terms of new features within iOS 4.x.

Still, compared to game console install bases, with the likes of Xbox 360, PlayStation3, and PSP at around 50 million or less, Nintendo Wii at 76 million, only the Nintendo DS family at around 140 million devices sold compares.

Of course, neither the functionality of Nintendo's digital download store nor its support for independent game developers does.