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RIM schedules BlackBerry 10 launch bonanza for 30 January

Events in 'multiple' countries
RIM schedules BlackBerry 10 launch bonanza for 30 January

RIM has given the first clue as to just when the latest version of its BlackBerry OS will roll out to consumers, unveiling a series of 'launch events' around the globe on 30 January. To date, the company's only word on the matter had been that BlackBerry 10 would launch in early 2013 having slipped from an initial roll out towards the end of 2012 with games division director of business Volker Hirsch having recently claimed Q1 2013 was still the "official word".

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However, with events due to happen "simultaneously in multiple countries around the world" on 30 January, it appears BlackBerry 10's debut will be earlier in the year rather than later.

"In building BlackBerry 10, we set out to create a truly unique mobile computing experience that constantly adapts to your needs," said president and CEO Thorsten Heins.

"Thanks to our strong partnerships with global carriers and a growing ecosystem of developers, we believe our customers will have the best experience possible with BlackBerry 10. "We are looking forward to getting BlackBerry 10 in the hands of our customers around the world."

For clarification, 30 January isn't being taken as the actual launch date. Rather, RIM says in its statement that availability will be "announced at the event" itself, with 10 BB10 devices having "entered more than 50 carrier labs" in the run up to release.