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BlockchainPROseed’s COO Yu Ayato on how directors of Japanese blockchain game companies will be helpful for developers

“The blockchain games industry has started developing a new idea of token economy. defi x NFT, ETH L2 is becoming a hot topic.”
BlockchainPROseed’s COO Yu Ayato on how directors of Japanese blockchain game companies will be helpful for developers

Yu Ayato has been a part of BlockchainPROseed since 2018, working mainly in events and creative production focused on the blockchain industry. Ayato has organized many meetups, hackathons, conferences in the blockchain sphere, including one of the biggest Japanese blockchain game events, ‘Tokyo Blockchain Game Conference 2019’ last year.

Ayato joins us for Blockchain Gamer LIVE! Digital #1 next month where he will feature on a panel with other expert speakers discussing how directors of blockchain game companies will be helpful for those who develop blockchain games.

We caught up with Ayato before the conference takes place next month to see how the industry has changed since he joined, and what trends he expects to see over the next 12 months in the industry. Tell us a bit about BlockchainPROseed

Yu Ayato: BlockchainPROseed is an event and creative production company focused on the Blockchain industry. We have worked with many big projects like Kybernetworks, Cosmos, Devcon. We have also organised many meetups, hackathons, conferences for the blockchain industry.

What does your role entail?

My role is mainly research and making reports for the latest hot topics of the blockchain industry.

Why did you want to work in the games industry?

I wanted to work in the industry because games is the next biggest communication platform. I believe that games will be the next generation SNS.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into it?

Make sure you’re caught up meta-verse. Games are starting to play a wider role in our society.

What are your thoughts on the industry in the last 12 months?

The last 12 months saw the end of the NFT pre-sale system. The blockchain games industry has started developing a new idea of token economy. defi x NFT, ETH L2 is becoming a hot topic.

What major trends do you predict in the next 12 months?

I see that blockchain game prize race x DeFi will become more of a hot topic. There will be many game publishers who make odds tokens for the tournament like the US election token by FTX.

How has the games industry changed since you first started?

It has become more and more of a social collaboration platform.