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AudioMob’s CEO Christian Facey on innovative approaches to monetisation and making ads less intrusive for players

“The key change is gaming was shunned as an advertising medium, and now it’s the largest untapped opportunity”
AudioMob’s CEO Christian Facey on innovative approaches to monetisation and making ads less intrusive for players

Christian Facey is the CEO and co-founder of AudioMob, the world’s first non-intrusive gaming advertising solution that allows game developers to monetize their audience via audio advertising. Founding AudioMob in Q4 2019, Facey wanted to provide a solution to a 'common frustration among gamers - intrusive and annoying ads.' He wanted to change the way mobile game advertising is experienced. By marrying his passion for music and gaming, along with his years of experience in digital media and advertising at Google and Facebook, Facey has created a product that disrupts the mobile ad space, keeping players developers and advertisers happy.

Facey joins us for Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki Digital 2020 where he will be leading his own session titled ‘Monetise, not Bastardise’.

Before the event takes place next month, we caught up with Facey to see what’s changed in the games industry since he joined, and what trends he expects to see over the next 12 months in the industry. Tell us a bit about AudioMob

“With COVID19, I think this has sped up the adoption and acceptance of gaming as a mainstream medium”

Christian Facey: AudioMob is the world’s first non intrusive audio ad solution for the mobile gaming space. Most gamers hate mobile video games, but developers need to earn revenue. AudioMob allows gamers to opt in to listen to an audio ad while maintaining full control of their game, rather than being annoyed by a video ad blocking gameplay. Developers earn higher incremental revenue without damaging retention, gamers stay happy, and audio advertisers get access to a brand new audience that they previously couldn't access.

What does your role entail?

I’m the CEO! As it typically goes in the start up realm, it involves managing and getting involved in any area necessary to keep game developers and advertisers happy and AudioMob growing. This ranges from fundraising, demand/publisher sales, PR, financial modelling, engineering, dev relations, strategic analysis (i.e dealing with the impact of COVID-19!) and a bunch of other things!

Why did you want to work in the games industry?

I love games and had an idea to build something of true value to make the industry better for players and developers.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into it?

Perseverance is key and don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice!

What are your thoughts on the industry in the last 12 months?

“The key change is gaming was shunned as an advertising medium, and now it’s the largest untapped opportunity”

Gaming is now a staple vertical in the life of an average person. Due to the advances in gaming on every front, game engines, game mechanics, console and mobile hardware, graphics etc, gaming was always going to be mainstream. Now with COVID19, I think this has sped up the adoption and acceptance of gaming as a mainstream medium. People are relying on this as a key form of entertainment, to socialise with friends to help with mental health and so on.

What major trends do you predict in the next 12 months?

Social gaming boom. Rise in mobile games with high quality graphics (driven by Apple), and decreased monetization opportunities with IAP, loot boxes, display ads.

How has the games industry changed since you first started?

When I started out, the mobile first narrative was just starting to stick in people's minds. Mobile gaming has overtaken all other forms of entertainment from a growth perspective. The key change is gaming was shunned as an advertising medium, and now it’s the largest untapped opportunity. In short, gaming was for young people back 10 years ago, and now it’s the largest and most misunderstood vertical as the gaming industry has grown into many different sub audiences with 2.7BN active players.

Which part of the Connects event are you most looking forward to and why?

Meeting lots of game developers, discovering interesting projects and new gaming concepts!