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Game Drive’s founder and CEO Chrstopher Green on creating cultures that reinforce positivity

“While the gaming community gets more diverse and more inclusion, the last 12 months have pushed to show that gaming is not a waste of time.”
Game Drive’s founder and CEO Chrstopher Green on creating cultures that reinforce positivity

Christopher Green is the founder and CEO of Game Drive. Green brings over 7 years experience in IT security and management to the Game Drive team. He has a great passion for video games and a love for the industry.

Green joins us for Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki Digital 2020 where he will be discussing how you can create cultures that reinforce positivity and the power of expression in games.

Before the event takes place, we caught up with Green to see what’s changed in the games industry since he joined, and what trends he expects to see over the next 12 months in the industry. Tell us a bit about Game Drive

Christopher Green: Game Drive is a platform the gaming industry has needed for a long time. Imagine a single source for all your game statistics – no matter the console or the game, our platform is just that. Our platform pulls together the gaming data of registered users so they can keep tabs while competing with other players, meet new players, and have their game stats in front of scouts looking to recruit professional gamers. Able to find those gamers geographically in your own backyard. To be a resource center for gamers and enterprises looking to go into this space.

What does your role entail?

“Hitmarker showed that jobs in the gaming community increased by 87% from 2018 to 2019”

Leading the company in the direction to service our customer internally and externally to show that we are here to support the gaming industry

Why did you want to work in the games industry?

As a gamer myself, I wanted to help gamers find their career path whether it be in front of the audience or behind the scenes (I.E. management, developer, etc), while also developing economic growth in their own community.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into it?

If you have a knack for something that falls under STEM or STEAM, have fun challenging yourself. Use the power of gaming to spark that quest or yours.

What are your thoughts on the industry in the last 12 months?

While the gaming community gets more diverse and more inclusion, the last 12 months have pushed to show that gaming is not a waste of time. That there are jobs in this space that can advance your career path. Hitmarker showed that jobs in the gaming community increased by 87% from 2018 to 2019.

What major trends do you predict in the next 12 months?

“The industry changes overnight it seems. It gets better and better with software and hardware and how we interact with the avatars we play”

Advanced hardware, more detail in the game, and open-world games where it goes past the normal 40-120 hour gameplay.

How has the games industry changed since you first started?

It changes overnight it seems. It gets better and better with software and hardware and how we interact with the avatars we play. The stories get more detailed that it feels like you are actually playing yourself.

Which part of the Connects event are you most looking forward to and why?

To speak honestly. Having an open mind and hoping to inspire other minds that this gaming industry is not a waste of time. Where you can prosper and reap the reward that you possibly never thought you could reach.