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Aftershock Media COO Timothy (Ash) Evans on the ramping up of the "streaming wars"

"Paying extremely close attention to the pulse of the internet is incredibly important when determining your brand’s messaging"
Aftershock Media COO Timothy (Ash) Evans on the ramping up of the

Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #2 will take place from June 8th to 12th, 2020. To give you a taste of what to expect, we'll regularly be publishing interviews with the speakers at the show.

For more details on PGC Digital #2 and to book a ticket, head to the website here.

In this speaker spotlight, we caught up with Aftershock Media Group chief operating officer Timothy Evans (or as he's more widely known Ash CWA) who has become a popular figure in the mobile gaming sector over the past seven years. Alongside his own huge following of more than 1.4 million followers, Evans – through his agency - works directly with many of the biggest gaming developers in the world, including Tencent, Plarium, and Supercell. Tell us a bit about your company?

Timothy Evans: Aftershock Media Group is a collection of talented executives and creators with vast experience building successful marketing campaigns for brands. Founded by accomplished digital marketing stars, AMG has built a creator network that is second to none. We can source your desired talent, or provide our own exclusive roster of digital stars to best execute on any campaign.

Paying extremely close attention to the pulse of the internet is incredibly important when determining your brand’s messaging or approach to a particular marketing campaign. AMG is very adept at crafting unique and effective messaging that will help ensure your brand is executing against its goals.

Whether specific talent needs to be sourced for an existing marketing campaign, or your company just “knows it should be exploring influencer marketing”, Aftershock Media Group can walk you through every step of the process in a way that is effective on impact, and your budget.

What does your role entail?

I am the co-owner and chief of operations. I deal mainly with developer relations, creative campaigns, systems and processes.

Why did you want to work in the games industry?

I felt as though the mobile gaming community, specifically creators and developers, both deserved better than what most other agencies were offering. As influencers, my co-founder and I had a unique perspective of understanding the industry from agency, developer and most importantly, a content creator's perspective. AMG leads the way when it comes to building creative campaigns in the mobile gaming space.

Beyond that, I love video games and love working with content creators. So, this made perfect sense!

“Don't worry about money early on. Instead, concern yourself with building a portfolio of successful projects.”
Timothy Evans

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into it?

The same advice I'd give to someone hungry to enter into any industry, be willing to hustle to prove yourself and build a resume.

Don't worry about money early on. Instead, concern yourself with building a portfolio of successful projects. Be willing to work for free and be on the lookout for mentors in the industry. Ask to donate your time in helping them. It will pay off in the long run!

What are your thoughts on the industry in the last 12 months?

The mobile games industry continues to grow at an exponential rate. During Covid-19 times, many mobile developers were able to remain productive and hundreds of millions of players upped their screen time as a result.

What major trends do you predict in the next 12 months?

The biggest trend I see continuing in the next 12 months is the "streaming wars" continuing to ramp up. With so many major players in the streaming space (Facebook, Tencent, Caffeine, Dlive, YouTube Gaming, Twitch, Mixer, etcetera.) companies are looking to build robust recruitment and retention tools appealing to both streamers and their audiences.

How has the games industry changed since you first started?

Dramatically, to say the least. The mobile gaming industry has gone from underdog to almost triple the size of PC and console gaming. With that has come both good and bad. Predatory companies trying to take advantage of both content creators and developers. Yet also the possibility for players in this space to grow beyond their wildest dreams just a decade ago.

Which part of the Connects event are you most looking forward to and why?

Engaging with other mobile gaming entrepreneurs, hearing their stories, and continuing to network with other industry leaders who are enthusiastic and optimistic about the future of the industry.