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We 'Like' this hits new social media milestone

We're always making it easy for you to engage with the community. Whether that's through our easy-to-use comments system, our regular meet-ups and events, or through our social channels.

It's this last one that's of primary concern in this little update though, as we wanted to give you a quick nod to say that we've just hit 2,000 'fans' on our Facebook page.

Our Facebook page contains links to all our big stories so that you never miss another crucial update from the world of the mobile games industry, and of course also has lots of great additional commentary from you, the reader.

Socially speaking

If you haven't done so already, pop on over to our Facebook page and hit that dirty great big Like button.

However, if Zuckerberg's site isn't your thing you can follow us on Twitter or on Google+, and if that weren't enough options for any social media-loving business bod, then we've also got a page on LinkedIn, and a YouTube channel.