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Nintendo wins injunction against Californian man for modding and selling pirated games on Switch

No fines and 10 unnamed defendants dismissed
Nintendo wins injunction against Californian man for modding and selling pirated games on Switch

Nintendo has won an injunction against a Californian man who was accused of selling pirated games and modding its Switch unit for sale.

Blogger site TorrentFreak shared details of the filing, confirming that a permanent injunction has been given to Sergio Moreno preventing him from "selling, renting, offering or distributing unauthorised copies" of Nintendo's products.

Furthermore, the defendant will be required to provide evidence that he has destroyed any pirated software or modded hardware in his possession.

No fines were ordered to be paid by Moreno apart from lawsuit fees needed for an attorney, while an additional 10 unnamed defendants were dismissed.


The incident began in January 2018 when a hacking group called Team-Xecuter found a way to run pirated games on the Nintendo Switch. Following this. Moreno began selling the team's hacked software, memory cards containing pirate games.


In September, Nintendo of America filed a lawsuit against ROM website owners RomUniverse claiming that the company had been profiting from the unauthorised distribution of games from the firm via a premium membership.

Going forward, much of Nintendo's upcoming releases are shrouded in mystery, with Animal Crossing: New Horizons being the only major first-party release with a concrete launch date. The game will release on March 20th after initially being delayed.