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Learn about the key opportunities for the mobile games industry at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital NEXT

Gain expert insight on the opportunities in hypercasual, emerging markets and multiplayer games
Learn about the key opportunities for the mobile games industry at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital NEXT

In a recent report published by, it was found that the top three opportunities for the games industry, identified by developers, are: the growth of emerging markets, hypercasual and real-time competitive multiplayer games.

Any games industry professional looking to learn first-hand about emerging markets and up-and-coming new technologies in the industry should look no further than the upcoming Pocket Gamer Connects Digital NEXT conference. The fully digital conference takes place over the span of three days from November 15th to 17th, 2021 and its line-up has been specifically designed to put attendees ahead of the competition with speakers offering expert insights in the key areas of opportunity for the mobile games industry.

As our ninth fully digital conference, this upcoming edition aims to blend talks discussing advantageous insights about mobile gaming whilst also curating a space for that all-important business networking. One of the great benefits about virtual events is the ability for attendees to consort with fellow industry professionals without necessitating travel and allowing everyone to get business done from the comfort of their home office.

So let’s dive into some of the conversations and presentations you can expect to see next month. The three key opportunities outlined above present a brief glimpse into what the wide variety of sessions will cover during the conference. Below, we have expanded upon what the session titles that fall under the umbrella of those three topics will look like.

Explore international opportunities and emerging markets

International opportunities are paramount in the current industry, with key players being Latin America, MENA, Africa, Asia and beyond. Some of the most exciting markets to be looking into in the next few years will be thoroughly explored with industry professionals from those territories leading the discussions. Some of the talks that will discuss these opportunities include:

  • Brazil - Opportunities to Discover!
  • Tomorrow’s Giants: The markets you need to start paying attention to
  • Exploring New Opportunities in the MENA Region
  • Growing Your Games Business in MENA

Hearing from professionals that specialise in these areas will not only prepare attendees looking to create increasingly global strategies, but will also allow you to expand your networks far beyond Europe and North America.

Dive deeper into the success of hypercasual games

Hypercasual games have been described at a recent Pocket Gamer Connects event as 'games for people who don’t play games' - it’s clear that hypercasual has had a continuous hold on the market for a while now and does not appear to be letting up any time soon. The discussion surrounding hypercasual games will range from taking a deeper dive into the nature of its current success to exploring how these same tactics can be utilised to elevate living games. Some of the talks related to this segment include:

  • Narrative Design and Hypercasual Games: Can true storytelling be part of a Hypercasual game?
  • What Techniques Can We Apply From Hypercasual Games and Bring Into Living Games?
  • Hypercasual Games and Real Multiplayer: A marriage come true!

Multiplayer is taking over, don’t miss the boat

Multiplayer games are currently dominating the charts, and there is no one better to learn more about what it takes to create a successful multiplayer game than those creating hit games for a modern audience. Talks exploring this topic include:

  • Keeping in Touch Remotely: How smaller teams can deliver multiplayer experiences
  • Are Games the Social Networks of the Future?
  • What Unique Challenges Must You Overcome When Building a Compelling Multiplayer Game

These discussions are all primed to give attendees some incredible tips, insights to new technologies that can help give you a competitive edge and the secret sauce that can launch you further forward in the competitive landscape.

Book your ticket today

Book your ticket now to secure your spot, brush up on the key opportunities for the industry moving forward and be ahead of the curve. Save up to $245 when you book your Early Bird ticket - be quick though as prices rise at midnight on Thursday.

For more information, visit the official website.