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Indies - get your FREE access to Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #7 this July

Network with publishers and investors, pitch your games and learn from top industry experts
Indies - get your FREE access to Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #7 this July

Calling all indie games developers - you could attend the leading mobile B2B games conference this July FREE! It’s an incredible opportunity to showcase your games, connect with publishers and investors, and learn from the industry’s leading authorities.

Last week we announced that Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #7 will take place on July 12th to 16th and we want to let you know how you can get involved as an indie developer.

Since 2006, we’ve been hugely supportive of independent developers and studios. From our Big Indie Pitch competitions to providing developers access to our events, we help connect indies with publishers and investors looking for the next big hit.

And here are two major ways indie developers can get involved at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #7 FREE!

Sign up for free indie tickets

As with our live and digital events to date, we have allocated a limited number of free conference passes solely for small indie developers who may not otherwise be able to easily attend events. This is so those developers can meet with publishers and investors at our digital show, and learn from the biggest names in the industry, without the need to open the wallet.

To qualify, you or your company MUST be a small indie games studio (fewer than 10 staff, independent, your main focus is creating games) - apply for your ticket today!

There is a limit on the number of free passes we’re offering, so make sure you don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity and sign up now.

If you don’t want to wait - or you don’t qualify at this time - that’s fine! You can guarantee your attendance now and save up to $420.

Big Indie Pitch

The Big Indie Pitch sees indie developers engage in a speed-dating-styled pitching competition for fame and glory as well as a whole bunch of amazing promotional prizes! It’s a fun but hotly contested event that has proved a genuine game-changer for teams in the past.

At the event, every pitching team gets three minutes to state their case, and face one minute of Q&A with each of our expert judges. Once every team has pitched to every judge, pitching is over. The judges go off to deliberate and the winners are announced

To cater to a wide variety of indie developers, we are running a version of the Big Indie Pitch for mobile developers, and another for PC and console developers.

Register now

If you’re an indie developer, make sure you sign up for these fantastic opportunities at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #7 to further your hard-worked projects. Those links again:

Apply for consideration in our free indie ticket programme.

Register to show your game in the Big Indie Pitch (mobile).

Register to show your game in the Big Indie Pitch (PC and console).

And if you’re not an indie developer or want your ticket as soon as possible, take advantage of our Early Bird offer and book now.