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Twitch is investigating sexual abuse allegations against streamers

It will dish out permanent bans
Twitch is investigating sexual abuse allegations against streamers

Twitch will begin handing out permanent bans to streamers found guilty of sexual abuse and harassment.

In a blog post, the streaming platform wanted to assure its users that it is taking all allegations seriously and will dish out punishments as needed.

"We are reviewing each case that has come to light as quickly as possible while ensuring appropriate due diligence as we assess these serious allegations. We've prioritized the most severe cases and will begin issuing permanent suspensions in line with our findings immediately," said Twitch.

Twitch went on to explain that many of the allegations occurred away from the platform. As such, the company will report those cases to the proper authorities as they can "conduct a more thorough investigation." If anyone has something they wish to report, they can do so through the reporting tools found across all channels.

Making changes

As a start, Twitch will review its hateful conduct and harassment policies. It will also make its offensive username detection more enhanced, as well as improve its automod and banned word list.

"Those who have come forward have shown incredible strength, vulnerability, and bravery. We acknowledge that we can't singlehandedly tackle pervasive issues across the gaming and broader internet communities, but we take our responsibility as a service for our community seriously," said Twitch.

"We will continue to assess accusations against people affiliated with Twitch and explore ways Twitch can collaborate with other industry leaders on this important issue."

An industry problem

Twitch is not the only firm that needs to investigate allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct.

Recently, French publishing giant Ubisoft was forced to make a public statement as many allegations were made against its staff members. A number of employees have been suspended, as have two vice presidents, Tommy François and Maxime Béland, making them the highest-ranked people to be put on leave.

Last week, the #MeToo movement brought attention to the games industry as it was revealed that many people had been the victims of sexual abuse or misconduct. Furthermore, the majority of accusations are against men, and Ubisoft received the most allegations.