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GameAnalytics announces powerful new Benchmarks+ features

Benchmarks+ releases several new features, including regional filtering, sub-genres, top 2-4% performance quantiles, and more
GameAnalytics announces powerful new Benchmarks+ features

GameAnalytics will be releasing new features at the end of January for Benchmarks+, their mobile gaming intelligence platform with trends for more than 1.2 billion players every month, across nearly 100k active games. Users will soon be able to filter by regions, sub-genres, and view aggregated trends for the top 2-4% of performance per metric, plus much more.

Originally launched on November 21st, Benchmarks+ is GameAnalytics’ new mobile gaming intelligence tool. This service was designed to inform the decisions of studio heads, publishers, and investors - helping them to quickly learn about emerging trends in the gaming industry with real, accurate data. Their platform includes aggregated insights for each KPI across 1.2 billion players, 16 billion sessions and 150 million transactions each month.


GameAnalytics will be rolling out the first phase of their new releases in late January, with plans to launch more throughout the year. Here is what you can expect in the first round of updates:

New filtering capabilities

Users will be able to slice and dice the data even further, with options to filter by platform (iOS and Android), and by geographical regions (currently all continents, plus US and China). There will also be an option to filter performance data for engagement metrics by “IAP spenders”, to get insight into how stats change for players who make in-game purchases. Essentially, users will be able to switch between a ‘purchasers’ and ‘non-purchasers’ view.

More performance indicators

GameAnalytics will introduce a new “Playtime” metric into the Benchmarks+ platform. This metric looks at the average amount of time spent within a game per player, so users will be able to see an even deeper representation of player habits, and how long they really spend in-game, across different genres. This metric has also been recently added to their core analytics tool. They will also introduce more retention markers (i.e. D1 - D7, and D14).

Additional quantiles

At the moment, Benchmarks+ allows users to view performance indicators for several performance bands, including the “Superstars” (top 5%, 10%, 15%), and the “Standard” quantiles (top 25%, median, bottom 25%). In this update, GameAnalytics will release 3 more performance quantiles, which will be the top 2%, 3% and 4%. Think of these as “Unicorns”.

And new sub-genres

With this latest update, users of Benchmarks+ can look beyond the default app store genres for more detailed and relevant insights. Some of the new sub-genres released will include FPS, Idle, Hyper-casual, Match3, Hidden Object, and around 15 other popular gaming genres. Over the coming months GameAnalytics plans to roll out even more genres, based on popularity.

These are just a few of the updates planned for Benchmarks+. If you’re interested in learning more about the platform, then GameAnalytics will be kicking off PGC London and featuring data from Benchmarks+ in their keynote talk on the 'Trade Trends' track.

To find out more about Benchmarks+ and sign up, just visit the GameAnalytics website.