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Double Fine Presents taps up Playables for interactive animation title KIDS

KIDS will come out this year on iOS and Android
Double Fine Presents taps up Playables for interactive animation title KIDS
Date Type Companies Involved Size
May 23, 2018 partnership Double Fine Not disclosed

Double Fine’s publishing branch Double Fine Presents has tapped up Playables to publish its latest title KIDS as a part of a new partnership.

KIDS is an experimental project about the psychology of the group which allows players to move with and against crowds until everyone is gone.

The final products of the project will include an interactive animation, a short film and an exhibition.

The project is also led by animator Michael Frei and game designer Mario von Rickenbach, who previously worked on short film and short game together called Plug & Play.


Kids these days

“We couldn’t be happier to have KIDS as a part of our Double Fine Presents family” said Double Fine Presents vice president of business Greg Rice.

“We’re huge fans of Playables’ work and in absolute awe of the thoughtfulness they’ve brought to KIDS, resulting in one of the most artistic statements we've seen in games in a long while.”

Kids is set to release this year on iOS and Android.

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