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Steel Media and G-STAR celebrate successful Gamescom and look ahead to next Big Indie Pitch

The Pocket Gamer company continues its partnership with South Korea’s flagship game show G-STAR
Steel Media and G-STAR celebrate successful Gamescom and look ahead to next Big Indie Pitch
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Sep 4, 2017 partnership G-STAR Steel Media Not applicable

G-STAR and Steel Media are inviting developers to sign up for November's Big Indie Pitch in South Korea following a hugely successful first joint event at Gamescom.

The companies announced their partnership in August. The media partnership sees the two support and promote each other, with a view to growing their respective audiences around the world.

The first joint event was a sold-out party and discussion panel on August 22nd at the Hyatt Regency Cologne Hotel, Cologne, which began with an "East Meets West Masterclass" panel on stage.

Talk it up

The esteemed guests on the panel, moderated by Steel Media's Chris James, were:

  • Shirley Lin, VP of Global Business Development, YoMob;
  • Neil McClarty, Senior Product Director, Jagex;
  • Patrick Streppel, Founder/CEO, Inselgames, and;
  • Don S. Kim, CEO, Advanced Cyber Entertainment GmbH

"We welcomed 328 people into our mixer and panel in Cologne last week, which was a fantastic turn out for an industry get-together. Thanks to everybody who came along and supported us," said Chris James, CEO of Steel Media.

"It was wonderful to be able to celebrate our collaboration, and enjoy the Gamescom vibe, together. And now we're preparing for two further international events! PG Connects is just around the corner, and registrations are already open for G-STAR and our first Big Indie Pitch in South Korea in November."

The next collaboration will be Steel Media's Pocket Gamer Connects event in Helsinki, September 19-20, of which G-STAR is a major sponsor. Then the two companies will prepare for the G-STAR event itself, in Busan, South Korea.

Going to Korea

The annual computer and video game trade show is a one-stop, easily-accessible gateway to the Asian market. South Korea is one of the most robust and exciting gaming markets in the world and G-STAR is the best way for Western games companies to experience it.

This year’s G-STAR takes place November 16-19 (B2B November 16-18) at BEXCO, Busan, Korea. It features conference tracks, a games industry job fair, exhibition areas including zones for each platform - including mobile and PC - an eSports event, and more. This year it will host one of Steel Media's Big Indie Pitch sessions for the first time.

Tickets for G-STAR are still available from the event's official website. Developers interested in presenting at the Big Indie Pitch at G-STAR can register their projects on the BIP website.

For more information about opportunities at Pocket Gamer Connects, the Big Indie Pitch and G-STAR, please contact Chris James on