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Want to speak at PG Connects Helsinki 2017 on September 19th to 20th?

Submissions for fourth Finland event are in full swing
Want to speak at PG Connects Helsinki 2017 on September 19th to 20th?

Do you have the expertise we seek? Do you like sharing that knowledge?

We're after super-duper speakers to cover a specific set of subjects for our forthcoming PGC Helsinki on September 19th to 20th.

While PGC San Francisco is pretty much locked down, we're still in the planning stages of the content for Helsinki. And right now the programme for our fourth annual event in Finland would very much benefit from experts in:

  • Influencers
  • Audio (music score, sfx, voice acting)
  • Big/real data
  • HTML5
  • Live ops
  • Practical design considerations
  • Character design
  • UX
  • Game narrative

Are any of those your area of awesomeness? Meet our PGC submission form if so.

If successful you'll join our growing – and already mighty fine – PGC Helsinki speaker roster who'll deliver a two-day agenda crammed full of content: some 90 sessions offering more than 40 hours of essential insight to over 1,000 of the industry's finest.

Then we'll squeeze in our usual fringe event bonanza to really boost engagement and networking opportunities, such as the Global Connects Party, the VIP Reception, the SpeedMatch session, Big Indie Pitch competition, our dedicated meeting system – all upgraded for 2017, naturally – and even a couple of rather large surprises to shake up the format a bit.

If you'd like to share the stage limelight, do please submit your talk.

If you'd rather sit in the audience, heavily discounted Super Early Bird tickets are live.