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CPMs are falling on Android and iOS but users aren't sticking to new apps for long

Fiksu digs into the data
CPMs are falling on Android and iOS but users aren't sticking to new apps for long

Smartphone users are downloading more apps than ever but have become loyal to just a handful of specific apps, according to Fisku.

The Boston-based mobile marketing firm released its latest data on mobile app installs and engagement, which gathered data from more than 38 trillion marketing events.

It found that CPMs in January dropped to $4.03 on iOS and $2.49 on Android. This is a 1% increase year-on-year for Android, but a 16% decrease year-on-year for iOS.

Fiksu stated that since the cost of media is going down, apps are having an easier time getting downloaded. This is also thanks to increased storage space on new phones coupled with rising adoption rates of the new devices.

Stick around

However, the cost per purchasing user grew by 21% on iOS from December. Android's CPP rose just 4% month-on-month, but 11% year-on-year.

"Most Apple users are on their third or fourth iPhone by now. They might try out a few new apps but they probably already know what they'll be using on a daily basis," said Tom Cummings, Vice President new market development at Fiksu DSP.

"Meanwhile, Android marketers are having better luck finding users willing to invest more time with their apps."

Fiksu has seen a trend of falling CPMs in recent months. In November 2016 it found that iOS CPMs fell 11% month-on-month while Android CPMs fell 14%.