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Video: How Pollen VC can accelerate your cashflow

Get your app store revenues faster thanks to venture capitalism
Video: How Pollen VC can accelerate your cashflow

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects London 2016, we spoke to Tamsin Henry, Marketing Communications Manager at Pollen VC, about how the company can accelerate your cashflow.

"We help developers get hold of their app store revenues faster," said Henry, a process which she said allows developers to reinvest in UA campaigns or just in development on the game.

Mo' money, less problems

The company does this by looking at the revenues being made by the developer that are currently waiting to be processed, and giving the developer the money ahead of the app store paying out.

Speaking more generally about developers sourcing money, Henry spoke about how most developers aren't aware of tax relief that is available to UK developers, and suggested more awareness is necessary.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects London 2016 in this YouTube Playlist.