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Video: iOS will be a minority of mobile gaming revenue by 2018

iOS or Android? VR or AR?
Video: iOS will be a minority of mobile gaming revenue by 2018

At Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015, Tim Merel, Founder & MD of Digi-Capital, discussed the findings of Digi-Capital's latest reports on the mobile industry.

He started by looking specifically at mobile games, saying that "iOS will actually be in the minority of revenues for developers globally by 2018" if you add up every Android store, including Google Play and all of the stores available in China.

Maturing markets

However, Merel did point out that to achieve the same revenue on Android in China as you would on iOS outside of China, you'd need eight times the number of downloads, making the decision to focus exclusively on the China market risky.

Merel also touched on VR and AR, saying that while VR will see the initial popularity and revenues, AR "will take 80% of the overall market globally by 2020", thanks to its integration with smartphones instead of requiring specialised hardware.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.