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SkyMobi Mixer Tour lands in Vilnius on 10 October

Second leg of the tour arrives in Lithuania
SkyMobi Mixer Tour lands in Vilnius on 10 October

The second leg of the Pocket Gamer Mobile Mixer Tour, powered by SkyMobi, is hitting Vilnius, Lithuania on 10 October.

As part of the Live Mobile Conference 2014, we’ll be talking about an oft experienced and essential part of the mobile gaming landscape that is rarely talked about: the big failures.

Celebrating the cock up

Rather than shying away from the fact that the industry sometimes doesn’t quite get things right, we’ll be spending our time kicking back after a successful conference to toast and roast the memorable mobile gaming failures.

Looking at everything from the near misses to the complete failures, we'll be working out what exactly went wrong in the worst chapters of mobile gaming history and giving advice on how to avoid making those mistakes.

Helping us out is a distinguished panel of guests who certainly couldn’t be classed as anything other than roaring success stories, including:

• Jon Jordan,
• Peter Willington, App Spy
• William Heathershaw, SkyMobi
• Alexey Sazonov, Herocraft
• Vladimir Funtikov, Creative Mobile
• Ville Heijari, Vungle

And once we’ve finished thinking about those moments that mobile gaming companies would like to forget, we’ll be pivoting our evening towards the bar to help keep the conversation flowing.

And if you want to come along, all you have to do is go to our Eventbrite page, grab a free ticket and bring along your business card so we know who you are on the door.

So make sure that if you’re in Vilnius next Friday that you come along and join our panel that will definitely never fail to impress. Promise.