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appMobi says HTML5 is alive and well with 50,000 devs using its platform

And going for gaming
appMobi says HTML5 is alive and well with 50,000 devs using its platform

Talk of HTML5's demise as a development platform has been over hyped, according to stats released by appMobi.

The firm claiming 50,000 developers are now utilising its tools.

In all, appMobi's HTML5 tools have been started more than 100 million times, with the number of studios tapping into its platform up five-fold over the course of the last 12 months.

The news comes just days after social outfit Wooga announced it was taking one of its key releases Pocket Island open source as HTML5 wasn't ready for commercial deployment.

A matter of time?

In a candid press release, Wooga revealed 1.3 million people had played the game since launch.

That's equal to  7.2 percent of the number who have downloaded native iOS release Diamond Dash, with the firm suggesting HTML5 games simply don't perform as well as standard apps.

Glu Mobile CEO Niccolo de Masi has also gone on record to claim it'll be five to ten years before HTML5 is a viable platform for developers working on top titles for mobile.

For appMobi, however, HTML5 still represents the "only viable open platform for cross platform mobile app development."

Future focus

"We committed to HTML5 way back in 2009 and we have worked long and hard to fill in the missing pieces of this emerging development standard, enabling HTML5 to compete on a level playing field with iOS and Android as a mobile platform," said appMobi CEO Dave Kennedy.

"It is extremely gratifying for us to see tens of thousands of mobile app and game developers flocking to HTML5 and using our development tools to create massively cross platform apps that run on iOS, Android, Facebook and the open web.

"Mobile HTML5 development truly has arrived, and our platform analytics have exposed some encouraging statistics about its growth."

In all, appMobi reports a quarter of the 50,000 developers working with HTML5 on its platform have made three or more apps, with games making up 35 percent of all titles created.

You can find out more about the technology - and play HTML5 games - via the appMobi website.