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Heyzap adds friend pairing tool to updated Android app

Users can add game-specific usernames
Heyzap adds friend pairing tool to updated Android app

Social network Heyzap has added a new feature to its Android app that allows players to share game-specific usernames with other users.

Dubbed 'Add Players', the tools allows users to add their username on a particular game via the Heyzap app to be presented with a list of addable players.

The app then copies any usernames they choose to the clipboard before launching the game in question and allowing them to request a game with the players of their choice.

Latent demand

The idea behind the tool is to build social connectivity, allowing users without friends on the same game to link up with other players.

The company claims thousands of people have made use of the feature since it was added to the app on on 23 February.

"We saw a lot of latent demand for 'Add Players' prior to its implementation, so it's no surprise that this has been a popular addition to the app," explains Heyzap CTO James Smith.

"It's no secret that socially engaged users are more valuable than socially isolated ones. Add Player is another way for us to ensure that Heyzap cultivates a high-quality user base while adding core utility to the app."

Heyzap stats suggest that, on average, each user adds two new players through the Add Players system.