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Nexon signs up for Unreal Engine 3 in iOS shooter Combat Arms: Zombies

Coming to iPad and iPhone in November 2011
Nexon signs up for Unreal Engine 3 in iOS shooter Combat Arms: Zombies

It's easy to see the lure of Unreal Engine 3 for mobile developers in terms of the detailed environments they can create.

Chair's UE3 pinup Infinity Blade is one such example, whilst recent App Store entries such as Warm Gun and The Dark Meadow were also crafted using the powerful graphics engine.

Korean publisher Nexon is looking to utilise Unreal Engine 3 in its upcoming mobile-based FPS Combat Arms: Zombies.

The lesser known son of Nexon

Nexon is better known for its huge online gaming community, built around its MapleStory MMO franchise, which currently boasts a userbase of over 100 million users in over 60 countries.

Indeed, Zombies is based on of the company's successful online PC shooter Combat Arms; with Nexon hoping its portability will attract hardcore players to also experience the game while on-the-go.

It'll be arriving on iPad and iPhone sometime in November.