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What top mobile publisher Miniclip can offer developers

Three billion downloads and 60 million DAUs later, Miniclip isn't planning on slowing down
What top mobile publisher Miniclip can offer developers

While Miniclip's website continues to host the same winning model of quirky browser-based games that it always has, the company's offerings have enjoyed even more prominent success on mobile platforms where it has generated 3 billion downloads across its portfolio of games. With 60 million daily active users to leverage for its games, Miniclip is truly a global publisher of resounding scale.

With currently 18 games in its catalogue, Miniclip sits comfortably as one of the biggest mobile game publishers, ranking number one in sports category and number five overall. Seven years on, 8 Ball Pool shows no signs of slowing down either, racking up close to a billion downloads and continuing to grow bigger each year.

It's no surprise then that Tencent (the world's largest games company) decided to bet big on Miniclip. Thanks to the publisher's transcending popularity, Tencent acquired majority stakes in the publisher for an undisclosed amount in 2015 – and Miniclip's ambition and pedigree has only grown from there.

Fast forward

Fast forward five years and Miniclip is flourishing, yet despite their continued success, this is a company that is always on the lookout for its next big hit. With sizable upfront capital and a global operations team, Miniclip is able to back partners with its best in class Commercial, Product, Marketing, Ad Monetisation and Business Intelligence capabilities to support games over a number of years.

Whether Miniclip develops its own games or acts as a third-party publisher, each of its titles are treated with the same love, commitment, and professionalism. This is because for Miniclip, working with a new studio is an investment.


Where many publishers are content to sign studios for a one-game deal, Miniclip looks to the future, seeing where they can create a multi-game franchise – or even talk to studios about investments and acquisitions. In other words, for Miniclip, publishing a studio's game opens the doors to what can often be a long-term partnership.

Leveraging the publisher's network, expertise and of course reach, for an indie game studio, partnering with Miniclip seems to be a sure-fire recipe for success. In fact, the last few years have seen Miniclip make some high-profile acquisitions of partner studios, acquiring the Sniper Strike: Special Ops developer Eight Pixel Square just a few short months ago. This move comes just months after the company acquired games firm Ilyon Dynamics.

Taking all kinds

Miniclip's latest hit release in the third-party publishing space is HypGames' compelling 3D sports title, Ultimate Golf! launched in June 2020, racking up over two million downloads in less than a month of launching.

While Miniclip's core genre focus is still on sports, casual, and multiplayer titles, the publisher reveals that recent years have seen its audience also show affinity with other types of games. Be it various takes on the puzzler genre, the ever-popular match-3s, adrenaline-pumping racing titles, or even grittier action and shooter titles. It is this open-minded approach to its game curation that looks set to serve Miniclip in good stead. As the games and platforms that players enjoy their leisure time on continues to change, one thing is clear - Miniclip will adapt with them.

It is why the publisher still boasts 250 million regular monthly users across all its platforms and 60 million daily active users, 19 years after its inception. It is no surprise then that developers are still flocking to the publisher in droves. Why? Because unlike many of its competitors, Miniclip always has the ambition and the financial stability to turn the next promising developer's dreams into a reality.

If you have a game you think is suitable, Miniclip wants to hear from you! Complete this form for your game submission: