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Metaps and Hakuhodo creating UA tools for tracking power of TV commercials

Japanese companies join forces to delve into TV marketing analytics.
Metaps and Hakuhodo creating UA tools for tracking power of TV commercials
Date Type Companies Involved Size
May 26, 2015 partnership Hakuhodo Metaps Not disclosed

The Android monetization gurus over at Metaps have joined forces with Hakuhodo in a brand new marketing partnership.

The two Japanese companies will now work together to create better analytics solutions for TV commercial campaigns.

The goal is to make it easy to calculate just how much TV adverts affect app downloads, ROI, UA and other in-app activity.

Delving deeper

TV advertising for mobile games has skyrocketed in popularity as a user acquisition strategy.

Clash of Clans, Heroes Charge and Game of War proved the format's strength at this year’s Super Bowl, spending over $15 million on video advertising slots.

The question of whether these video ads translate into genuine success for their games, however, can only be proven by concrete analytics.

This recent partnership is the first step in a long-term partnership that will see Metaps and Hakuhodo work together to develop predictive platforms that utilize AI and big data technology to analyse different marketing activities.

The end result will see TV advertising campaigns integrated into the standard UA dashboard, as seen below.