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Prof. Kawal Rhode on the link between home computing and video games

The development of video games and video game technology has had a huge impact on the development of healthcare technology.
Prof. Kawal Rhode on the link between home computing and video games

Prof. Kawal Rhode obtained his bachelor’s degree in Basic Medical Sciences and Radiological Sciences at Guy's & St. Thomas' Hospitals Medical School in 1992. From 1998 to 2001, he studied for a doctorate in the Department of Surgery, University College London, investigating quantitative blood flow analysis using X-ray angiography. From 2001 to 2007, Prof. Rhode was employed at the Division of Imaging Sciences, King’s College London as a post-doctoral researcher working in the field of image-guided interventions, particularly catheter-based electrophysiology procedures.

In 2007, Prof. Rhode was appointed Lecturer in Image Processing at King’s College London, Senior Lecturer in 2011, Reader in Biomedical Engineering in 2015 and Professor in 2016. His current research interests include image-guided interventions, intelligent mechatronics systems for interventions and ultrasound imaging, 3D printing in healthcare and pedagogy for biomedical engineering. Prof. Rhode has more than 400 publications in journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, and patents. Prof. Rhode is Head of Education for the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences. He oversees the school's delivery of taught programmes, including the BEng/MEng Biomedical Engineering, MSc/MRes Healthcare Technologies and the iBSc Imaging Sciences.

Prof. Rhode features on a panel at Beyond Games where he explores what tools are being created as a result of advancements in thinking with other expert speakers.

Before the brand new online event explores the intersection of games and other creative industries next week (May 10th to 14th), we caught up with Sullivan to see which innovations in the creative industries have impressed her and how games contribute to other media.

Tell us a bit about your company

King’s College London is an internationally renowned university delivering exceptional education and world-leading research. We are dedicated to driving positive and sustainable change in society and realising our vision of making the world a better place.

What does your role entail?

Research & Development of healthcare technology.

What do you think games can contribute to other media?

The development of video games and video game technology has had a huge impact on the development of healthcare technology. The availability of open source software development platforms, code sharing and code management systems, the development of hardware graphics accelerators, faster microprocessors, graphical user interfaces, VR/AR technology and collaborative platforms have all had profound effects on healthcare technologies and how we manage patients on a daily basis.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into your field?

You need to enjoy science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) subjects, have a passion for learning and inquiry, and be prepared to be challenged.

How has the way the games industry is perceived changed in recent years?

I think that it has gone from being perceived as a pastime to a driving force that helps global development of society.

What innovations - in your field, or in other media, perhaps games - have impressed you in recent months?

The use of collaborative platforms, AR/VR, and AI to assist in provision of healthcare. All driven by the games industry.

What major trends do you predict in the next 12 months?

Mass deployment of AI technology for healthcare.

Which part of the Beyond Games event are you most looking forward to and why?

Panel discussions - a chance to get different and balanced perspectives.

Book now!

To hear Prof. Rhode discuss what tools are being created as a result of advancements in thinking with other expert speakers next week at Beyond Games, make sure you book your ticket now.