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Join us at the Pocket Gamer Party Cologne 2024 during Gamescom - FREE!

If you're in town for Gamescom, come along to the Tivoli for networking after dark on Wednesday, August 21st
Join us at the Pocket Gamer Party Cologne 2024 during Gamescom - FREE!

Join us in Cologne for our customary blend of after-dark informal networking at the Tivoli venue near Gamescom this August 21st. FREE to attend!

All games industry professionals are welcome at the now-traditional Pocket Gamer Party during Gamescom week. Held right in the heart of this gorgeous city at Tivoli nightclub on the evening of Wednesday, August 21st, the evening will offer unrivalled informal networking and drinks.

Grab your free ticket

A day after the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards ceremony - tickets to which are still available - and at the end of the first day of Gamescom, the party kicks off for all at 19:30 and runs til late. We'd advise getting there early in the evening in case it gets busy and we run out of room, while the free bar isn't endless.

You can expect drinks, dancing and discussion in a celebrated city-centre nightclub. A Pocket Gamer Party is always a relaxed highlight of any conference week.

Chill out in the company of game developers, publishers, and anybody that works in games. Of course, you'll also meet some of the Pocket Gamer team who will be there to swap stories over a beer.

Free to all games industry professionals aged over 18, all you need to do is register in advance. Just make sure to register using your work email/details as registrations are checked.