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Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli steps down

His two brothers and co-founders take the top job
Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli steps down

Crytek co-founder and CEO Cevat Yerli has stepped down as the head of the development and middleware outfit.

Cevat will continue on with Crytek as a strategic shareholder while his brothers Avni Yerli and Faruk Yerli will now take on the role of co-CEOs.

Business as usual?

“With the company in a strong position, now is the ideal time to recognise the existing leadership’s excellent achievements over these past two years and formally transition executive leadership to Avni and Faruk," Cevat Yerli said.

"I have been honoured to serve as CEO of the company I founded with my brothers almost 20 years ago and have seen the team accomplish breakthrough things in that time. I look forward to continue helping Crytek as a major shareholder, and I am very excited to see what tomorrow brings.

"I have every confidence that the company will continue to shine under the guidance of Avni, Faruk, and the rest of the leadership team.”

It remains to see how Crytek will fare moving forward. At the end of 2016, the firm faced legal action due to its inability to pay developers, and went on to sell a number of studios.

In 2017, the company got involved in the volatile cryptocurrency market with CryCash, and went on to sue Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games and Roberts Space Institute.

This story was originally published on our sister-site