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Telltale games lays of 90 staff amid restructuring

25% of workforce out
Telltale games lays of 90 staff amid restructuring

Narrative-focused developer Telltale Games has laid off 90 employees as part of major restructuring at the company.

The job losses amounts to 25% of the studio’s workforce. Telltale said it aimed to make the company “more competitive as a developer and publisher of groundbreaking story-driven gaming experiences with an emphasis on high quality in the years ahead”.

It was claimed that the move will not impact the developer’s already announced titles.

Shifting technology

A statement from the company also said it would be moving internal development to “more proven technologies that will fast-track innovation in its core products”.

While it wasn’t clarified, this could mean development will move to the Unity game engine. Unity CEO John Riccitiello currently sits on Telltale’s Board of Directors.

"Our industry has shifted in tremendous ways over the past few years,” said Telltale Games CEO Pete Hawley.

“The realities of the environment we face moving forward demand we evolve, as well, reorienting our organisation with a focus on delivering fewer, better games with a smaller team.

"I'd like to express our respect for all the contributions that these incredibly talented artists, storytellers and more have made to this company, and that this decision is in no way a reflection on the quality or dedication of their work.

“We have made available our full career assistance services to help our affected colleagues and friends - and their families - navigate this difficult transition as quickly as possible."

Telltale Games was founded in 2004 and has worked on games such as The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and The Wolf Among Us.