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id Software buyout could bring Bethesda properties to the iPhone

John Carmack looking to bring more franchises to the App Store
id Software buyout could bring Bethesda properties to the iPhone

The big news on the gaming industry radar this week is the buyout of id Software by the parent company of renowned game design studio Bethesda, ZeniMax.

Speaking to Joystiq, id Software founder John Carmack made it clear that he's still intending to pursue the iPhone as a new avenue for his company's catalogue of classic franchises.

"I've got a slate of iPhone titles, I expect to have an iPhone release every two or three months for the next year, as we go through our classics line, and I move over that I'd probably do Doom RPG, and we'd have to go with Wolfenstein RPG, and eventually do something Rage-themed on there," Carmack explains.

And it seems ZeniMax is very much on board with this strategy, believing the iPhone and App Store to be a "growth market". Although it's sad to see one of the most successful independent studios become another asset of the corporations, the buyout could potentially provide Carmack's iPhone team with access to other popular game franchises.

It's been rumoured for quite some time that Bethesda's Fallout and Elder Scrolls series are being considered for iPhone adaptations, and there's every possibility that once id Software has exhausted its supply of classic games, it could put it's iPhone development experience to use on these equally popular titles.