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Google Play spotlights family-friendly no IAP, no connectivity content, including Halfbrick's latest

No IAPs or ads for educational Fruit Ninja spin-off
Google Play spotlights family-friendly no IAP, no connectivity content, including Halfbrick's latest

A new Google Play initiative is aiming to simplify the process of discovering family-friendly content.

Introducing new filtering tools, prominent age ratings and more, the new program makes it easier for families to find age-appropriate apps, books, TV shows and movies.

Safety in numbers

Joining this new scheme is Australian studio Halfbrick, with an educational offshoot of its massively popular Fruit Ninja entitled Fruit Ninja Academy: Math Master.

Eschewing in-app purchases, in-game advertising, and even online connectivity, the game will instead adopt a premium price-point in the interests of child safety.


Releasing a $4.99 iOS game in 2015 is by no means an easy decision to make. However, it appears that this family-friendly initiative is providing comfort not just to parents, but developers too.

"These changes gave us the confidence to pursue a business model which, in some regards, is quite risky," said Kate Hynes, Halfbrick's chief legal officer.

"We hope the extra visibility provided by this program will encourage other developers to do the same."

Fruit Ninja Academy: Math Master is out now on Google Play and the iOS App Store.