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FreeAppADay fires Battle Bears -1 into top 25 paid chart

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FreeAppADay fires Battle Bears -1 into top 25 paid chart

The launch of FreeAppADay's iPhone app is an important part in extending the  portal's prowess into the promotion of paid content. 

Indeed, early indications suggests it's proving its worth, with the site reporting it has managed to propel SkyVu's 99c Battle Bears -1 into the App Store's top 25 paid apps within its first three days on sale.

The game is currently at #17 on the US paid chart. 

"Nowadays, a very polished apps such as Battle Bears -1 can easily be buried in a crowded App Store environment," says FreeAppADay CEO Joe Bayen

"Our free campaigns have already successfully revived app sales for countless developers and the successful launch of Battle Bears-1 demonstrates that FreeAppADay can also effectively be used as a potent launch pad for newly released applications."

Stayin' alive

Bayen says Battle Bears -1 will follow the site's new promo model, called 'launch and revive'.

In short, FreeAppADay will promote new paid iPhone releases across its network, as well as following up the initial campaign with its traditional free promotional pushes further down the line.

Naturally, the FreeAppADay app forms an integral part of such campaigns, with the company reporting downloads surpassed 400,000 units in its first 12 days on the App Store.

The firm also cites its 25,000 strong mailing list and 11,000 Twitter followers as major contributory factors in its new paid app promo assault.