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Following TinyCo's COPPA $300,000 fine, AgeCheq sees demand surge

Leave those kids alone
Following TinyCo's COPPA $300,000 fine, AgeCheq sees demand surge

Cloud-based service provider AgeCheq has announced that new infrastructure improvements are being put in place to bolster its system following the FTC's decision to publicly enforce the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

After the FTC revealed Yelp and TinyCo each settled COPPA 2.0 violation cases, which saw both firms accused of collecting personally identifiable information from minors without parental consent, AgeCheq has seen an immediate spike in interest in its services.

AgeCheq aims to help developers comply with the new regulations, giving mobile developers and parents piece of mind.

An issue of privacy

AgeCheq CEO Roy Smith believes that offering developers a cost-effective way to adhere to COPPA guidelines will ensure the world's children are kept safe.

“The issue of protecting the privacy of our nation’s children as they use mobile games reached a tipping point this month as the FTC revealed its first developer settlements under COPPA 2.0,” said Smith.

“As written, the law would force each publisher to create a complex relationship with each parent whose children play a game. AgeCheq’s solution dramatically reduces the cost and effort required for a developer to bring their game into compliance.

"Parents also benefit from AgeCheq’s single sign-on dashboard that minimizes their effort to curate their child’s privacy.” 

By creating an AgeCheq developer account and inserting a few lines of code into their games, developers can ensure that they don't breach COPPA guidelines.

“We designed our cloud infrastructure to massively scale in support of the millions of app starts we will see as top games use our compliance service,” added Smith.

“Today, our backend can comfortably handle 5,000 app starts per second, which translates to over 430 million app starts per day. By the beginning of 2015, we’ll be able to process over 1 billion app starts per day.”