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5 Superstar Sessions from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018

All the talks from the big talks at our even bigger event
5 Superstar Sessions from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018

So you missed Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018? Or you fancy re-watching your favourite sessions?

Well it’s a good job you’re here! We have all the sessions available for your viewing pleasure.

Superstar Sessions

We’ve put together a list of the videos from our Monetise, Retain, Acquire track right here, all just a few clicks away.

Covered in this set of videos you’ll find:

  • The true potential of virtual reality and future technology
  • Fireside Chat: Where next for mobile?
  • Data-driven optimisation for in-app purchases and gameplay
  • Fireside Chat: The real role of production in game development
  • Niantic's AR mapping lead on using Earth as an AR gameboard

Click the link below to watch the videos.

#1: The true potential of virtual reality and future technology


High Fidelity CEO Philip Rosedale speaks at Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018 about his fascinating outlook on the potential of VR in games, related sectors and society as a whole.

#2: Fireside Chat: Where next for mobile?


Super Evil Megacorp CEO Kristian Segerstrale and Zynga COO Matt Bromberg speak at Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018.

#3: Data-driven optimisation for in-app purchases and gameplay


Unity Ads senior BD manager for Unity Analytics Angelo Ferro speaks at Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018.

#4: Fireside Chat: The real role of production in game development


EA group general manager Katherine de León speaks at Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018.

#5: Niantic's AR mapping lead on using Earth as an AR gameboard


Niantic AR mapping lead Ross Finman speaks at Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018.