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Chinese woman allegedly loses sight in one eye after marathon Honor of Kings session

Doctors still trying to save vision
Chinese woman allegedly loses sight in one eye after marathon Honor of Kings session

A Chinese woman has reportedly lost sight in one eye after playing Tencent’s hit mobile MOBA Honor of Kings for an entire day.

The South China Morning Post cites local media reports that the unnamed 21-year old woman went blind in her right eye on on Sunday, October 1st following the marathon session.

She was diagnosed with retinal artery occlusion, a condition that one doctor was quoted as saying was typically associated with elderly people rather than the young.

Marathon gameplay sessions

It’s not completely clear if this was the cause of the woman’s blindness, as doctors have not specifically confirmed that Honor of Kings was at fault.

The report notes however that the woman said it was “probably caused by playing the game for too long without a break”.

Her typical playing habits for the game would often start shortly after getting up at 6am,and last through until 4pm when she would eat and take a nap. After that, play would resume until 1am.

“Sometimes I would be so absorbed in the game that I would forget to eat, and not listen to my parents when they told me it’s time for dinner,” said the woman.

The woman is thought to still be in hospital where doctors are doing what they can to save her vision.

Big in China

Honor of Kings has become a national sensation in China, with more than 55 million daily active users and hundreds of millions of players. Some reports suggest that in Q1 2017 alone the game brought in around $800 million.

Numerous stories of people’s obsession with the game have emerged over the last year, including the story that parents had named their newborn child Honor of Kings.

To help curb the amount of gameplay time young players put into the game, Tencent limited gameplay time to one hour a day for children under 12. Those aged 12 to 18 are restricted to two hours a day.

The restrictions came as the Chinese government-owned People’s Daily labelled the game “poison” and a “drug” for young people.

The game is currently being rolled out in the West as Arena of Valor.