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Betting on success: Small-Bet launches skill-based wagering platform for iOS

Set to serve as additional revenue raiser for devs
Betting on success: Small-Bet launches skill-based wagering platform for iOS

Offering what it claims will be a fresh revenue stream for developers, UK-based outfit Small-Bet has lifted the lid on a new skill-based wagering platform that studios can deploy within titles.

The platform which can be integrated both into new games and existing releases allows gamers to place small wagers against each other based on the outcome of "skill-based mini-games", with the winner leaving with the cash.

It's a model Small-Bet believes will be "attractive to gamers", as well as a profitable venture for developers.

"Untapped revenue"

"This is an untapped revenue stream for developers," claimed managing director Neil Spence.

"We all know that gamers love head-to-head competition to show who is more skillful, and we just upped the stakes - real cash winnings for the victor, and Real revenue benefits for our development partners."

While Small-Bet states the platform designed for iOS will "work on any game", the company hints that it is best built into "sports, action and puzzle games where skill is required."

The payment mechanisms themselves are handled via Small-Bet's back-end, powered by a partnership with PayPal.


"We’ve been developing the platform for the past seven months, and firmly believe that the SDK will become a firm favourite with game developers, as they quickly appreciate the ease of integration and support we offer," added COO Xen Latagan.

Small-Bet will launch first in the UK, France, and most US states, with the platform expected to be released in China, Russia, Korea, India, Pakistan, Africa and Mexico in 2014.

More details can be found on the Small-Bet website.

