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Razer commits to donating up to one million surgical masks to fight COVID-19

Singapore authorities contributing too
Razer commits to donating up to one million surgical masks to fight COVID-19

Game hardware maker Razer has vowed to manufacture surgical masks for health workers to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

As revealed by Razer founder and CEO Min-Laing Tan, the company intends to donate up to one million masks to different countries across the globe, with Singapore authorities donating a portion of its initial shipment too.

Tan further called upon other firms and individuals to contact the Razer team if they believe they can contribute or help with its efforts.

"Extreme shortage"

"With the worsening of the COVID-19 situation, health authorities worldwide are facing an extreme shortage of surgical masks used by the frontline healthcare staff in the battle against the virus," wrote Tan.

"All of us have a part to play and we should be doing whatever we can with the situation getting more serious," he continued.

"Please keep yourself and your family safe – and do let's support each other in these trying times. The team at Razer is stepping up to do what we can."

In an unexpected move, Razer recently applied for a digital bank license in Singapore.

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