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Pokemon GO developer Niantic has no plans to enter the VR space

Prefers to be leader in AR instead
Pokemon GO developer Niantic has no plans to enter the VR space

Pokemon GOdeveloper Niantic has no plans plans to enter virtual reality game development, says Niantic VP of Growth Omar Téllez.

Speaking at G-STAR 2017, Téllez responded to a question asking whether Niantic would work on VR games with an emphatic "no".


He said that the studio has made a determination to be leaders in the AR space.

"We believe it is a natural space for humans," said Téllez.

"People do not live in isolation. Look at us here, we're all here, we're all interacting."

Téllez also responded to a question about the hurdles of AR development, noting that the space has only really been defined technically in the last six months.

"We were the first game to come out with an augmented reality version in a world without standards," he said.

He added that now the AR sector has stronger support with tools like Apple's ARKit and Google's ARCore - neither of which were around at the time of Pokemon GO's launch.