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Trip Hawkins talks social gaming on the iPhone

and why Nintendo and Sony should be afraid
Trip Hawkins talks social gaming on the iPhone

Digital Chocolate (and Electronic Arts, for that matter) founder Trip Hawkins has been chatting with CNBC news about how the iPhone has revolutionised the games market, and took the opportunity to remind the world that his company is responsible for 2 per cent of all app downloads.

He explains how the iPhone took the industry by storm, and how its popularity has grown exponentially.

"It definitely has surprised all of us how strong it is as a games platform," he says, before casually pointing out Digital Chocolate's 20 million download milestone.

He also points out how the industry paradigm has shifted from a proclivity for casual gaming, such as Guitar Hero and the Wii, to one of an 'omni consumer' who is looking more toward connected, online gaming.

"10 years ago a teenager would spend all their time on a PlayStation, or a younger kid on maybe a Nintendo DS... their media consumption is now heavily fragmented. They've got a very different expectation, because they're looking more for social value than escapism."

When asked whether he thinks Nintendo and Sony should be worried about the competition from the iPhone, his message is clear - even if the two gaming giants have yet to acknowledge it themselves.

"If I were them, I certainly would be." Ouch.

You can have a look at the rest of the interview if you follow this link.