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PGC Digital: Building your brand as a streamer

"Your brand is the way that the outside world sees you"
PGC Digital: Building your brand as a streamer

Streaming has become a more popular profession over recent years. As such, these individuals need to build a brand.

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #4, Happy Warrior founder and president Rebecca Longawa discussed how to build your brand as a streamer.

"Your brand is the way that the outside world sees you," said Longawa.

It is crucial to build your brand to aid in both monetisation and building a community. It is your professional identity and will open up avenues for sponsorships.

"Streamers are monetising at a higher level than an esports player," said Longawa.

This is due to streamers displaying their personalities more; it is what attracts their audience. A good character is what ends up creating a great personal brand.

Streamers are able to attract forms of monetisation due to how influential they are, something that is not usually shared by a professional athlete.

"To get started you need to hone in and discover you are as a gamer and as a streamer," said Longawa.

Essentially, you need to have some "inner discovery," and think about what your believes and values are as a streamer. Brands, in particular, like to work with professionals that share the same values as them.

Four pillars

There are four pillars that need to be considered when a streamer works on the development of their brand.

The first of which is personal life, this is what it says on the tin, just how much of yourself do you want to share with your audience - friends, family, your "inner circle."

Next, there is your brand itself, what exactly is it that makes you unique as a streamer. Then it is purpose and charity, what is important to you, and who do you want to help in order to make an impact in this world.

Display your own hobbies and interest, discuss this with your community, particularly when streaming or on your social media networks. Moreover, it helps to paint a picture; it lets followers know the real you.

Social media is vital. If a brand can see the effect you have in the community and who you are as a streamer, they may choose to work with you.

"Find something that is true and authentic," said Longawa.

The pillars "live out" through both your livestreams and on your social media channels. Utilise both to their full potential.

Moreover, platforms such as discord can aid a streamer. Through this, people can bring their communities together under one group. It is another form of interaction that is appreciated by an audience.

PGC Digital #4 will run from November 9th to November 13th. To keep up to date with all of our coverage, check out the roundups here. There's still time to sign up - to find out more and book a ticket, head to the website.