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Introducing Beyond Games - a brand new conference focused on the future of games, transmedia, digital entertainment and the creative industries

Explore the frontiers where games meet music, film, sport, social media, culture, influencers, fashion, technology, lifestyle and loads more on May 10-14
Introducing Beyond Games - a brand new conference focused on the future of games, transmedia, digital entertainment and the creative industries

As the world and the games industry continues to evolve, the lines blur between online experiences, social networking, games and traditional entertainment formats. New discussion points and trends emerge such as: how will Hollywood utilise game-making tools and techniques, why are Netflix hiring games executives, what is Sony Music working on with Unreal, are TikTok and YouTube stars the future of media, when will VR and AR take over, and are we about to enter the metaverse?

We’re aiming to explore these topics, connect the dots and plot a vision of the future with an all new three-day conference - Beyond Games.

Beyond Games is a new initiative from the makers of Pocket Gamer Connects, which will combine editorial content across multiple media together with focused events which shine the spotlight on the exciting future of the games industry and the potential that’s unlocked when the energy, technology and knowhow of games connects with other entertainment and business spheres.

How will Beyond Games work?

The first Beyond Games conference is an online event that you can attend from your home office. Taking place on May 10th to 14th, over 50 experienced speakers representing multiple leading companies and disciplines will share their insights and explore the possibilities of tomorrow’s games on multiple tracks, panels and roundtable discussions.

As an attendee, you can select from a programme of great live video content, full of insight and practical advice across four themed conference tracks. You can watch the tracks live and interact with the speakers and other viewers, or catch up on the recorded videos within your own time. Our speakers are set to cover technology, films, TV, games, social media, fashion, music and more.

“The opportunities to interact with the digital world and share experiences in new ways are wildly exciting right now”
Dave Bradley

There are also Power Panels and Guided Breakout Groups to explore specific topics, such as where games meet films, in addition to an organised match-making platform where you can communicate with other attendees.

Mapping the Metaverse

“We’ve reached a place where different strands of entertainment are being woven together by technology. Every day those points of intersection are getting more frequent and more apparent,” said Dave Bradley, COO of Steel Media. “Fashion shows inside Animal Crossing, Emperor Palpatine’s broadcast in Fortnite, the interactive Bandersnatch episode of Black Mirror, the Unreal engine powering virtual sets for TV shows like The Mandalorian, increased public appetite for things like VR… The opportunities to interact with the digital world and share experiences in new ways are wildly exciting right now.”

Bradley, who previously spent many years working with entertainment brands such as SFX, Total Film and Comic Heroes, continues: “Steel Media is perfectly placed to celebrate, analyse and demystify the new frontiers of entertainment. We saw the mobile revolution coming years ago, launching Pocket Gamer in time to take advantage of the app store boom. We were first with events and sites supporting the blockchain and influencer sectors. Now with our games knowledge and contacts across the interactive entertainment space, we are ready to explore the transmedia landscape. This upcoming event will map the metaverse that we’re all about to enter.”

Book your tickets today!

Explore the future with the Beyond Games conference and book your tickets now! Book now and save up to $280 with our Super Early Bird offer!