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Evo 2020 is still happening

It is schedueled for July 31st-to-August 2nd
Evo 2020 is still happening

The team behind the Evo 2020 fight game tournament has claimed it will still go ahead.

As revealed on Twitter (below), the event is still set to take place from July 31st-August 2nd – should the venue reopen.

However, organisers are monitoring the situation with the coronavirus outbreak. Ultimately, the health and safety of attendees and staff will be the decision-maker.

"Moving forward"

"At this time Evo is moving forward with its plans to hold the event July 1st-to-August 2nd at Mandalay Bay (subject to its re-opening) but we are actively monitoring updates from the WHO, CDC, local governments and public health agencies regarding Covid-19 and continuing to assess the situation," said event organisers.

"The health of our attendees and staff will be the overriding factor in making a decision. Should Evo be postponed or cancelled, all ticket purchases will be refunded."

Most industry events have been postponed or cancelled due to the outbreak, including GDC, E3, Minecraft Festival, Rezzed and Reboot Develop Blue, Game Connection America and more.

However, other events - namely Gamescom - are still scheduled to go ahead.

This story was first published on