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DICE veterans form new developer Fall Damage

Swedish Games Industry CEO Maria Tjärnlund named as Chairman of the Board
DICE veterans form new developer Fall Damage

A team of four veterans from Battlefielddeveloper DICE have opened a new studio in Sweden called Fall Damage.

The founding team includes DICE Co-Founder Markus Nyström, Anders Gyllenberg, Mikael Kalms and Dan Vaderlind.

Former Swedish Games Industry CEO Maria Tjärnlund has been named as Chairman of the Board.

The studio has taken investment from Goodbye Kansas Game Invest, which becomes the largest minority owner of the studio.

Keep options open

Fall Damage has yet to announce its first project, but said at present it is not locking itself down to a specific genre or platform.

The Fall Damage founders
The Fall Damage founders

Currently formed of seven staff, Fall Damage plans to double its number of employees by the end of 2017.

“For many years we have worked on massive productions in enormous teams,” said Fall Damage CEO Anders Gyllenberg.

“We found that we all shared a desire to create something of our own. Fall Damage is our opportunity to build something from the ground up.”