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Mid-term tickets to PG Connects San Francisco 2015 still available

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Mid-term tickets to PG Connects San Francisco 2015 still available

Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco, taking place on July 7-8 is a few weeks away.

But we're up to our necks in preparations - two packed days of top tier mobile games industry conference content need a healthy dose of love and dedication.

Still, there's always time to stop and tell you that if you're planning on coming then booking now is probably the smart thing to do.

That's because we've still got mid-term tickets available.

You'll find them at

The time is now

This rate saves you a sizeable chunk off the full price option (which you'll find published on the PGC site for a quick mental maths comparison), representing excellent value for money.

But all good things come to an end and these rates won't be around forever.

If you're still undecided, know that we can confirm speakers from – in no particular order, promise – King, Glu Mobile, Tencent, DeNA, Google, Twitter, SGN, Seriously, Super Evil Megacorp, Hitcents, Amazon, Pixowl, TinyCo, Pocket Gems, Unity, Newzoo, Wargaming, Digi-Capital, Wooga, and more to be announced soon.

And in terms of topics/tracks, we're looking at:

  • Acquire, Engage, Monetise
  • Expect top mobile marketing, innovative in-game approaches to retention & monetisation, and development tips that’ll help teams to strengthen their game’s user life cycle.
  • East Meets West
  • Here we discuss the major global issues. Focused overviews from key experts and data providers will help contextualise key markets as well as untapped territories thanks to the stories from successful studios.
  • Indie Survival Guide
  • A place where indies help indies. Proven developers share their tips on how to keep an indie studio afloat in an ever changing market via experience and game post mortems.
  • The Future of the Industry
  • Looking ahead, developers working on wearable games, VR games, and AR games get a chance to share their knowledge and experiences alongside visionary analysts and experts in non-development fields.

And that's before we get into our usual array of popular fringe events such as the I Love Indie Showcase and Very Big Indie Pitch competition (currently still accepting entries), and PG Party that will keep delegates busy during and post conference.

Right, we better get back to it.

We very much hope you'll come and join us for what should be another cracking PG Connects.