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Taking to the TIGA Awards winners: First Touch Games

Classic Goals, classic success
Taking to the TIGA Awards winners: First Touch Games

Earlier in November, UK trade association TIGA hosted its inaugural game awards in Bath as part of the ExPlay 2012 conference.

Having spoken to scores of nominees in the run up to the big night, we decided to catch up with a few of the lucky winners, with First Touch Games next up.

We spoke to studio director Charles Chapman to find out how the studio feels about Score! Classic Goals picking up an award for best casual game.

Pocket Gamer: How do you feel about winning a TIGA award?

Charles Chapman: Obviously we're over the moon!

We felt we were in with a shout as the response to Score! from around the world, and particularly in the UK, has been fantastic. But it was still a surprise to hear our name read out at the ceremony - it's fair to say it made our night.

Score! started out as a bit of an experiment late last year, and it's fantastic the experiment has turned out so well. Getting recognition from your peers is really the icing on the cake.

What impact do you think this award will have on your studio?

It's a great boost to everyone at a time of year when we're all busy working on updates and new projects. It shows that the hard work, attention to detail, and drive to make things better can and does pay off.

It'll also give us a bit more exposure, which as a small studio can only be a positive thing for our future releases.

How did you enjoy the award ceremony? Were you out late at the afterparty?

I thought it was excellent, definitely surpassed my expectations.

The venue was great, and it was nice to be somewhere different for an industry event, such as Bath.

We made it to the after party, which was great, and were still celebrating back in the hotel bar with other award winners well into the early hours. It's fair to say there were a few sore heads on Friday morning.

Where will you be putting your trophy?

Not sure - it's our first proper award, so there's not quite the need for a trophy cabinet just yet! But it'll definitely get a prominent position!

Thanks to Charles for his time.