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A soup to nuts guide to mobile app analytics, by Taptica

#6 The wrap up
A soup to nuts guide to mobile app analytics, by Taptica

Matt Tubergen is VP and GM of Taptica, a performance-based mobile advertising network. Matt has over 10 years experience in the mobile app and content industry, bringing large brands and gaming properties to market.

Matt's previous positions include senior management roles at THQ and W3i along with supporting multiple successful start ups as founder and co-founder.

During this soup to nuts series on mobile analytics we've explored multiple aspects of using data to help us in our decision making, including app store analytics and post-install analytics.

We've also run down some of the key questions to ask of your data.

In our previous post we talked about pre-install analytics and understanding the current landscape of mobile marketing and advertising.

This week we will wrap things up with some key best practices that you can take away from this series.

At the beginning of this series we explained that the true value of any analytics strategy is its ability to help you make make decisions (or better decisions) about your product, marketing strategy or operations.

So as we look back across the series we will recap 4 major considerations useful for anyone with a mobile app.

1. Identify the questions first

Pretty graphs and visual representations of your data are great. They make you feel 'in control' and can lead to interesting insights regarding your app.

However, the real value of data is the ability to make decisions. As we reviewed in our third post, before you get started, think about some of the most important questions your product needs answers to:

  • What drives users to my app?
  • Why and when do they make a purchase?
  • Why do users leave my app?
  • What keeps them more engaged?

2. Identify the full customer lifecycle

A user's mobile experience is far more than just the in-app experience. Think about the full lifecycle from initial touch point to the end vs. just the in-app experience.

Identify where a user might be introduced to your app all the way through to the last point where a user will never use your app again. Doing so will help identify points of contact to analyse.

Imagine getting full view into the experience from:

A) Mobile ad

B) App store page view

C) Install

D) Run app

E) App engagement

F) Retargeting campaign

G) Final session

3. Segment groups of users to identify patterns

Different types of users have different patterns of engagement. Identify those segments, find patterns that match and make decisions based on those patterns. And don't forget the full user lifecycle when segmenting.

Some ideas to consider:

  • Source (organic, cross promotion or paid user acquisition)
  • 7 day retention benchmarks
  • Light to heavy users in terms of number of sessions
  • Length of gameplay
  • Purchase behaviors
  • Duration between sessions

4. Be consistent!

In any app analytics strategy it's pivotal to be consistent in your approach for gathering and reporting on your data.

In our second post we talked about the fundamentals of analytics. Stay true to your naming scheme, cohort definitions, event implementations and defined parameters. Do more of what works and cut the rest!

For more information...

Thanks for sticking around as we reviewed the many aspects of mobile app analytics. We hope you learned more about how to approach analytics solutions.

To dive into a fuller explanation of any of the topics explored above, simply click through to one of Taptica's previous columns.

#1 - Planning for a post-install analytics solution

#2 - The fundamentals of post-install analytics

#3 - Key questions to ask of your data

#4 - App store SEO and analytics

#5 - Pre-install and mobile marketing analytics

To find out more about Taptica and the services it offers, take a look at the company's website.